Aum Sai Ram
Institute for promotion of Human Values in professional spheres
Objective: To create a blueprint of an Institute for promotion of Human Values in professional spheres. The blueprint will act as a guidebook for people who would like to initiate formally or informally an institute for promotion of Human Values in their professions / organizations.
What are human values?
Human values are the positive, desirable qualities of character – such as honesty, integrity, tolerance, responsibility, compassion, altruism, justice and respect that span across cultures, classes and nationalities.
Brief Agenda:
- Brief profile of the interviewee
- Your understanding of Human Values
- Your experiences with Human Values in your professional life
- How do you foster Human Values in the workplace
- Organizations promoting Human Values
- Building an informal network to learn and practice HV at work
- Your idea of a formal Institute/Centre for promotion of Human Values in professional spheres?
About myself:
I am Vikas Bagri, currently pursuing my final year MBA at the School of Business Management, Accounting and Finance, Sri Sathya Sai University, Prashanti Nilayam. This interview is part of the primary data collection work for my MBA project.
My blog about this project:
Sai Ram
Aum Sri Sai Ram
Institute for promotion of Human Values in professional spheres: the Questionnaire
- Brief profile of the interviewee:
Name: Age: __ Country:
Organization: Designation: Total Years of experience in a leadership position: __ Profession:
- Your understanding of Human Values? Support with examples.
- Your experiences with Human Values in your professional life?
- Share successful stories (self/others) involving HV at work.
- Where do you see the need for HV in your professional life? What would the Values that you would want to be blessed with and why?
- How do you foster Human Values in the workplace?
- How do you personally nurture HV in yourself and your work?
- How do you promote this idea of ‘Human Values at work for making better professionals’ in your organization? What are the challenges you face? Do you prefer love over law?
- What are the organizations (profit & not for profit) you know of that promote Human Values. Please share your experiences with any such organization and its activities.
- If you were to informally come together with peers from your/other organizations to learn and practice HV at work, how would you go about it?
- What would be your idea of a formal Institute/Centre for promotion of Human Values in professional spheres?
- What would be your Vision & Mission statements for this institute?
- What kind of activities/programs would you include? How do you get people to participate?
- Which activities/programs would you be most enthusiastic to participate in yourself?
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